wADmM5mNLtOv064mhMCS_CYE3Bc Just Dorothy: Lettuce...it's what's for dinner! (Grilled Romaine)

Lettuce...it's what's for dinner! (Grilled Romaine)

A few years ago I came across a recipe in a magazine from Guy Fieri, one of the many chefs on TV, for grilled romaine.  Sounds...not appealing, right?  It's deliciously awesome!!  And it's really easy.  My 3 guys here are meat and potato kind of guys so the thought of grilled lettuce was met with "just another one of moms crazy ideas".  But it's got bacon on it.  BACON.  Everything is groovy with bacon.  I don't usually measure when I cook so here is the basic recipe, adjusted to taste:

Romaine, washed, tops trimmed and cut in half lengthwise
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Cooked bacon, crispy
Balsamic vinegar
Feta cheese

Brush cut side of romaine with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Grill over medium high heat about 3 minutes each side.  Mix olive oil and balsamic with cooked bacon, heat over medium low heat (you can add bacon drippings too if you prefer).  Remove romaine from grill, drizzle dressing over lettuce and sprinkle with feta.  So YUMMY!

And because they like meat, we served it with grilled chicken marinated in zesty herb stuff.  If you try it or have your own recipe let me know what you think!


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