wADmM5mNLtOv064mhMCS_CYE3Bc Just Dorothy: Ringwork, cold sore and pinkeye? Oh my!

Ringwork, cold sore and pinkeye? Oh my!

Nope, not me...I don't have any of it (knocking on wood, throwing salt over my shoulder, double holy crossing myself) but it's going around my work place.  I don't want any of it so I'm taking precautions.  I've got hand sanitizer, tons of it.  Even after washing my hands with warm soap and water and washing long enough (Row Your Boat song three times - I over kill by doing it 4 times), I soak my hands in hand sanitizer.  I don't touch the little one with ring-worm, even with gloves on.  Can't do it.  I'm so in the wrong profession....


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