wADmM5mNLtOv064mhMCS_CYE3Bc Just Dorothy: The one where I sound like a spoiled brat

The one where I sound like a spoiled brat

So we're moving.  Soon, we hope.  We've had one offer out of 7 lookie lou's and it fell apart.  It felt like too much work with this one.  They wanted a lot for very little.  So back to the drawing board.  And we're completely ok with that.  Even though we'd really like to get the boys enrolled in AZ sooner rather than later it needs to be the right offer.  Anyway, when we move I don't want to work outside the home.  This is gonna make me sound spoiled but...I just don't want to.  I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it and get paid for it.  It's not asking too much, right?

I want to write, blog, review, etc and get paid enough to help support my family.  I've been trying to get my blog up and running and lately I haven't had a lot of time to tweak it to my exact liking.  I also haven't been able to work on getting sponsors, advertisers, etc.  I'm too busy "working" to do what I adore.  Ok, that's not entirely true.  I have days where I have nothing, NOTHING to do so I could totally dedicate time to this.  But, nothing exciting happens here.  I could blog about my job or my friends or my kids but I do have to respect privacy.  That's not entirely true either.  I could blog about those things but sometimes it's just wise to keep my mouth (and blog) shut.  Actually there is another blog I have in mind that is coming up next and it will probably piss some people off.  It gets all judgy and stuff.  Anyway....

I don't want to "work".  I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it and get paid for it.  Not asking much, right?


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