wADmM5mNLtOv064mhMCS_CYE3Bc Just Dorothy: Why I love that Ryan kid...

Why I love that Ryan kid...

My boy Ryan is funny.  And I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom.  Sometimes he's funny on purpose and almost always knows how to crack me up.  But when he's funny by accident, just that random funny that happens...I love that the most.  Yesterday we were sitting next to each other at Pizza Hut.  Of course we're talking sports.  And all of a sudden this look comes over his face, like the light bulb went on and he turns to me and says in all seriousness, "Hey, I wonder if I could be in the Special Olympics since I'm in resource!?  I could run by all the other people and be like, "Hi", and get gold medals!"  He's also the kid that asked his dad if he wanted a "pumpkin sandwich" instead of knuckle sandwich.  Of course we still tease him about that!  I love Ryan. 


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