wADmM5mNLtOv064mhMCS_CYE3Bc Just Dorothy: Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

I'm always amazed at how things turn out.  Several weeks ago I was "invited" to attend a conference for work.  And by invited I mean I was told I had to go.  Now this is a conference I've been to before, just last year, in fact.  With my company we have to share a room with someone.  This is waaaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone.  For weeks last year I stressed hard core about rooming with someone.  Sharing a room with a stranger and having to get ready for your day in front of them is really uncomfortable.  It's all those routine morning and evening things that no one other than my husband and family should really be privy to.  Like how I brush my teeth.  Or how my face is all red and blotchy when I get out of the shower.  Or how I snore.  Last year, my roomie turned out to be an older lady that was just as new as I was.  We ended up having a nice time.  We had dinner together and even went out shopping one evening.  I was still not very comfortable but in the end I just figured it was life and something I had to do and regardless of how I felt, or how much I wanted it, I was not going to get my own room.  This year was a little different.  I found out I'd be rooming with a girl that I am a little familiar with due to a few other meetings but nothing like this.  We arrived separately and went into the meeting room.  I was really nervous because, again, unfamiliar with her.  Long story short, we got through the meeting, sat in the bar and had a few drinks with co workers, went back to the room and stayed up til 2 in the morning just talking and getting to know each other.  It was a little weird to get ready this morning with someone other than my husband in the room, but it turned out ok. I'm hoping I don't have to do this kind of thing anymore, sharing a room.  But if I just relax a little and take it for what it is, I'm finding that I'm pleasantly surprised!


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