wADmM5mNLtOv064mhMCS_CYE3Bc Just Dorothy: I've got a goal, but I don't have a plan.

I've got a goal, but I don't have a plan.

I have a goal to have a cabin in Prescott, AZ by the time I'm 50, if not sooner.  But no later than 50.  I don't have a plan, however, on how to do that.  There is no such thing as savings for us right now.  Every dime goes OUT, nothing stays IN.  And I know we're not alone in that.  People all over the world are trying to make ends meet.  Some can kind of keep their heads above water and some are just sinking slowly.  I see light at the end of our tunnel but that tunnel is about 2 years and 5 months away.  Or if I take the short term tunnel, it's really just a better hourly wage away.  Either way, 10 years from now I want to have the cabin.  I want it small enough that it's cozy but big enough for our kids to come and visit and bring their families.  I want my siblings and parents to come and stay for a long weekend and relax in the pines. 

I should probably start working on winning the lottery or writing that best seller.   Or maybe just find a better paying job instead of working the two lower paying ones I work now. 

But that is another blog entirely.


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