wADmM5mNLtOv064mhMCS_CYE3Bc Just Dorothy: My "big" kids....

My "big" kids....

Ok, my kids are big.  They were born off the charts and have pretty much remained off the charts.  They are healthy, thank you very much!  Since they were little the comments have always, always been, "Wow, he's a big boy!" Their shoulders are very broad and they are tall for their ages.  Both boys play sports and are pretty active.  At the first practice on Thursday the coach made a comment about Zach and another boy being "big boys".  Zach turns to the other boy and says, "is he calling us fat?" Let's just give these boys a complex!  I don't know if I'm offended, if I'm upset or ...... what??  He also told these boys to block and foul because they were big enough to get away with it.  Whatever that means. 


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