's 10 days til Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is a big day in our house because it's Steve's birthday. It's not as big as Jesus' birthday, but it's big all the same :) I mean, we have CAKE on Steve's birthday! It's the kickoff of 2 days worth of over indulging ourselves in every way imaginable. Christmas Eve seems to be more of a stressful day to me than Christmas Day does.
Steve is usually waaaay behind the eight ball on shopping, thinking about shopping or even stepping foot in a mall around the holidays. Mostly it's because he's been in retail and can't get away until the last minute. So, I won't say I usually get the best the local drugstore has to offer, because he typically does pretty well. This year, he's still in retail but in a much different, much better capacity so he's ahead of the Christmas game this year!! In 17 years of marriage, this is the FIRST time he's been done BEFORE Christmas Eve! Yay, Steve!
I got done a week or so ago. Now I have to wrap everything. I am not a fan of wrapping. I much prefer gift bags. But...they're a lot less fun. And I always put it off til the last minute because if I wrap and put under the tree, there's a chance the boys will figure out what they got. Like they don't know already. It's just the fun of get put under the tree on Christmas Eve.
Anyway, I feel a lot less pressure and stress to get things done. Even the food we plan to make is purchased and some of it will be made in advance so there are no worries, no stress. Just peaceful, blissful, relaxation.