$5 for 2 Year Subscription to Parent's Magazine
And So it Begins. Or...How I Must Wear the Jersey of Shame
But here's one bad thing about it. I'm highly competitive about a game I don't completely understand. Duh, not the smartest move, right? My husband and boys are big San Diego Chargers fans. I don't really have a favorite team but I do like the Cardinals, mostly because it's home town team and I feel I have to root for someone. But also because I really like what Kurt Warner and Larry Fitzgerald brought to the team. Now Warner is gone but Fitzgerald is so good that with the right QB again they can have another great season and will be fun to watch instead of the embarrassing team they had been since they made the moved to Arizona.
Anyway, last night in a preseason game the Chargers played at Arizona. Steve and I made a little wager on who would win. Naturally, he took the Bolts, I took the Cards. I wanted to make a bet that had him posting this on Facebook: My wife is always right, I am always wrong. Cardinals rule, Chargers drool. I was willing to do the same IF the Chargers won, but since I knew they wouldn't it didn't really matter. He didn't want to take that bet but instead made this one: If the Chargers won I would wear a Chargers jersey during the next game and cheer them on and if the Cardinals won he would wear my lovely #13 Kurt Warner tshirt that lovingly hangs in my closet in a place of honor. Ok, just kidding, it's kind of shoved towards the back, but still. So I take that bet since he will NOT agree to the the rule/drool one. We didn't get the game but I watched with interest the running scores at the bottom of NFL Total Access while watching the Texans mash the 49'ers into the ground, with who, of all former AZ QB's? Matt Leinart (or however you spell his name). He who did absolutely nothing for the Cards the whole time he was there, took the Texans to the win. I'm calling BS on that one. Ahem...again.
Anyway, there I am trying not to fall asleep, keeping my eyes peeled for the score running along the bottom just so I could wake Steve up and gloat (it was about midnight our time) because the WHOLE freakin game the Cards lead. Until the last minute or two of the game. And then...and then. Fast forward to this morning. He's at work. He texts me this: "Well, guess u will be wearing my chargers jersey i would like to see you in it."
At least I didn't have to see his face when he said it. At least I didn't have to put Cards drool on FB. At least all I have to do is Wear the Jersey of Shame.
$9.99 Photo Books
Get those summer photos in a book! Lulu.com has fabulous photo books starting at $9.99, just click the link above.
$10 for FREE! Member Appreciation ends 8/25
Hurry! Promotion ends 8/25. Get $10 just for signing up, use it towards a "SAVE". Who couldn't use $10 bucks?
An Open Letter to Moms of Preschoolers
If this is your first child and you are a bit apprehensive to take them to school, worrying about them crying, missing you, being naughty, I just want to tell you to lay your fears to rest. Some will cry, most will miss their moms and some will be naughty. But, most, if not all, preschool and Kindergarten teachers and staff are used to all of these behaviors. I promise. Here are a few tips to help make that transition a smooth one for you and your big kid:
1. Don't cry in front of your kids! Yes, I know it's hard to see your baby growing up so fast. Yes, I know it's hard to see them so independent and seemingly ok with you leaving. But if you cry when you are getting ready to leave them, their anxiety level increases and they wonder if being in school is something to cry over. Then they get upset and don't want to stay in school and try to bolt for the door the minute you walk out. Yes, I've had to be the door guard. Trust me, they don't understand "happy/sad" tears in this case. Wait to cry until you leave.
2. Make school sound very important and their role in school just as important. If they have a job (most preschools have "jobs" for each child to do on a rotating basis) it makes them feel wanted, needed and accomplished. Which brings me to...
3. Attendance isn't optional. Let me repeat...Attendance IS NOT optional, period. Of course, I'm not saying take them when they are sick, merely pointing out the fact that you signed them up for preschool, why not take them. If you can't roll yourself out of bed to get them ready and out the door in the morning, please just drop the enrollment. Most preschools have a waiting list and there are other kids and parents who can make it there on time on a daily basis. Someone wants your spot so use it or lose it! In the same vein, if your child is sick and will be gone, please call! We really do care and would like to know if they are ill or if they have something that might be contagious so we can advise other parents.
4. Leave the distractions at home. It's not ok to bring toys to school (show and tell, something that gives permission for a special occassion is fine), even when kids whine and cry in the morning. Draw the line before it even becomes an issue. It will make everyone's day much more pleasant, I promise. No one wants to see toys lost or broken, especially your child. And teachers and staff don't want or need to be responsible for those things. This includes jewelry on girls. For heaven's sake leave those silly bandz at home! We have dress up things at school that work just fine. It's all a distraction, trust me.
5. Be kind. Be kind to teachers and staff and be kind to other children AND their parents. You don't have to be friends and you don't have to arrange playdates but you do have to respect other people and their feelings. You never know, your kind words may be the ONLY kind words that person has heard all day. We're all in the same boat, trying our best to raise our children to be fantastic adults. Being mean to someone else doesn't make anyone feel good, not even the person being mean.
Sounds like I'm being harsh? Maybe. But it's realistic. I know you will be emotional as your baby starts school and that's just normal, human behavior. But please realize that your actions and reactions have an impact on your children's young, impressionable minds and that if they see you being ok with them going to school, they are going to be ok with going to school.
We love having your children in class and we love getting to know all of the families. Keep in mind that we know your kid can be naughty but that usually when they go to school they are entirely different kids. We've seen and heard just about everything and usually nothing surprises us. Keep the lines of communication open with your school's staff and you and your child will have a fabulous year!
Prevention Magazine
New members can actually get it for $6 bucks. 50 cents an issue! Buying them off the news rack is at least $4. You can give one as a gift if you'd like, too.
Go HERE for the deal.
Free Shipping from Kohl's
Free Charm
Free Beauty Charm with any order - code POODLE or LARCHE at checkout!
NuMe Style Products ~ $85 worth for $18!
You can get everything from styling tools to an intense renewal mask. That's exactly what I need in between cuts. Shine on!
Click HERE for details.
$55 worth of natural skincare for $20
$20 for $55 worth of natural, age-defying and allergen-free skincare products from Terralina - plus free shipping!
Offer expires: 11:59 PM - Aug 26, 2011
$100 for a week of dinners?
I just made $57 by blogging!
Anyway, it's nice to just get "rewarded" for doing what I love. I'd also love to get "rewarded" from my Etsy shop! I've just started that too and only have one thing listed but I actually have a lot of stuff. Need to get it all listed so it can just hopefully take off.
Eco-friendly Diapers half off!
$25 for $50 worth of eco-friendly, reusable bamboo diapers and more from EarthMomandBaby.com
Offer expires: 11:59 PM - Aug 18, 2011
An additional 20% off Famous Footwear's BOGO 1/2 off sale!
School Pictures
When I start to panic about school pictures! I'm not a big fan of school pictures. Mostly they always look horrible and are not a true reflection of how your kids really are. At least not after 3rd or 4th grade anyway. The poses are always the exact same way every single year. And like I said, after 3rd grade every single kid goes through that awkward stage. Their hair isn't right, they are missing teeth, they've gained weight. If you have boys you know what I'm talkng about. Around 4th grade a lot of boys stop growing taller and grow wider. Their faces chub up. They just don't feel good with how they look. If you have a boy and haven't reached that stage yet, don't worry, they start to outgrow that stage between 12 and 13. Anyway, why would I pay for that kind of picture? And they are NOT cheap! For some of those packages the price they charge you would cover a professional photography session.
And where do they get those photographers anyway? When Ryan was in 6th grade he came home from school that day and said, "Mom, I'm not sure I'm even looking at the camera. The photographer said, 'Look over here', but she was cross eyed and I'm not sure where she was wanting me to look."
But, I started panicking today thinking about not having any school pictures to mark the years as they go by. I have tons and tons of pictures of my kids and I scrapbook so I feel ok mostly, but nothing "official". And now I'm obsessing about it. I shouldn't, I know this. And there is nothing I can do about it. I feel bad mostly for not getting Ryan's last year, his freshman year. AND then I started freaking out about the fact that I don't have many pictures of either of them throughout the year so that when I try to scrapbook Ryan's freshman year, what the hell am I gonna put in there??? Are you feeling my panic? Again, I have lots of pictures, but not many "specific, milestone" type of things. Does that matter? Am I just obsessing all of a sudden because I'm just being a freak right now or what? lol, I think I just need to lie down and rest before I hurt my brain anymore. :)
The Art of Napping
But now, I must confess. I nap. Not every day of course. I don't need to every day. But when I need to I do it and I don't feel guilty at all. You know that tired feeling that sometimes hits you in the later afternoon, the one that makes your legs feel like they weight 200 pounds each and you literally can't keep your eyes open? Yeah, that's when I take a little snooze. I only need 10-20 minutes and I'm good to go. It just recharges me and gets me motivated for the rest of the day.
For a successful nap I only need the following:
A semi dark, chilly, quiet room
A body pillow
One flat-ish pillow for my head
In a matter of minutes I'm out. I can hear things going on in the background but I'm out enough to have dreams. Ok, maybe not dream dreams, but....scenarios? Whatever. It's all good!
Do you nap?
The Jig is Up!
As we're sitting there waiting for our lunch Zach starts to tell me about a dream he had the night before and the night before that. Apparently it was so good it continued over two nights! Anyway from the time we sat down until the time we were served it was an hour and it took him this long to tell me about the dream. He starts telling me about Old Peculiar and his daughter Isabelle Peculiar and her ship The Black Pimple. He's so serious when he tells me this that I start laughing. He looks at me in total seriousness and says, "Mom, this does NOT go on Facebook! And you can't blog about it!"
So, I will stop right there and not say anything more about his dream although I'd really like to share it. It was sooooo cool! Such imagination this kid has! It makes me sad that the jig is up, though. The boys are on to me, give me instructions on what can and cannot be shared on FB or on the blog. I don't think they've actually ever even read my stuff so I'm not sure they would know. But it's their private stories to tell, not mine, and if they don't want me to share I won't. Even if it is a little "Peculiar". :)
Donate to a Wounded Warrior
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Famous Footwear 1/2 Price Sale ~ Going on NOW!
Good until 9/17 you can buy one pair, get the 2nd pair 1/2 off at FAMOUS FOOTWEAR. Click here to take advantage of this sale!
$1.00 Makeup
e.l.f. Studio - luxurious and professional line of cosmetics
HELP! No, seriously ~ someone help please!
Happy New Year!
When I was a kid the start of the school year felt more celebratory than counting down the hours, minutes, seconds til the new year. We finished up the summer vacations, shopped for new clothes, new school supplies, anticipated which teacher you'd end up with, dying to find out which friends shared which classes. It was so exciting! Nerdy, but exciting.
I still feel the same way. There is such anticipation for school/fall at the end of summer. For instance, today is the first official day of football practice for Ryan. It's the ultimate sign for us that summer is nearly over and fall is right around the corner. Just last night we were all saying how we couldn't wait to be sitting in the stands watching the game with our friends and waiting to pull out the blankets to cover our laps. Sometimes there is a light misty rain at games. It's lovely.
So the boys are not as excited as I am about summer ending, naturally, but I've made them get their back packs ready, full of new school supplies. They've reluctantly gotten new clothes. I don't know what it is about these boys but they really don't care to have new clothes for school. "I can just wear what I had last year, it's no big deal. Who cares besides you, Mom?" I guess it's better than having girls who constantly need/want/beg for new stuff. And they've been put back on the school routine. Zach absolutely hates it. My little night owl is being made to go to bed at 10pm. Boo hoo. He's gonna have to suck it up and just do it. But past experience tells me I'm beating a dead horse and he's not going to get on a routine/schedule until we are well into the 2nd week of school. Oh well, he's a big boy, a smart kid, he can figure it out.
Anyway, 9 more days til school starts and "we" are super happy about that!
It's like a whole new (cheap/free) world!
For example: http://www.nomorerack.com/?cr=782014 has majorly discounted items on things like brand name purses, women's clothing, kids clothing, jewelry, things for men, etc. Here's how it works: Each day there are 8 items on the website that are offered at deep, deep discounts. Shipping, I believe, is $2. You have 24 hours to purchase the item or until it is sold out. I found out too late yesterday and missed out on a nifty little luch tote I would have loved to have had. And if you have friends sign up (no purchase necessary, just sign up under your code) you can get FREE stuff. Today's free thing is a cool little flask that I would love to give as a gift. But I need at least 13 friends before I can score that free item. But it gets better. There are other free items like Ipads and TV's. Yep. Good stuff.
I also found something on Eversave but I need to research more before I spread the (good?) word.
So, click on the link, http://www.nomorerack.com/?cr=782014, and see if this would be of any benefit to you. Save a little money getting things you want anyway, right?
Not living up to its full potential
Is it just me?
So....if you've followed me recently, Thank YOU, glad GFC is working for you! If I haven't followed you back yet, please know I'm sincerely trying!
As of today...
From the end of May last year until August last year I lost roughly 19 pounds. I was obsessively weighing myself (6 times a day or more) and getting really frantic about it. And then work started back up and I reverted to my old ways of Pepsi, Pepsi and more Pepsi. I had been "clean" all summer. So, about 10 lbs or so slowly came back from August to May.
Then, at the end of May this year, I swore of Pepsi (it's like heroin to me) and drank tons and tons of water and tea. I drank nearly 4 qts of tea a day. Unusual, no? I dropped about 10 lbs in a matter of weeks. Turns out, I have diabetes but I can't complain about the jump start. Since my diagnosis on July 1st, I've lost another 4 lbs, so about a pound a week. Not great, but I'm also not exercising (I know, I know) and I've heard it is difficult to get rid of weight once you are on diabetes medication (at least the pills I take, I'm not on insulin). So....I'm still a giant girl but it's slowly coming off and if I can ever get motivated to work out it would be even better. I already feel better! I just want to look better too. It's a start.
Cut Your Cell Phone Bill In Half! Yes, HALF!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
To me, it seems as if most cell phone companies want to get their greedy little hands into everyone's pockets. They lure you in with awesome deals on the most recent phone with all the bells and whistles and music and cameras and web this and web that, only to stick you into a 2 year contract that ends up costing you much more than buying the phone out right would have. (hook, line and sinker)
With Straight Talk it's just the opposite. Straight Talk has zero activation, reactivation or termination fees. You know what else is missing? Contracts. NO Contract ~ amazing concept, right? And no credit checks. I've never really understood why cell phone companies need credit checks anyway.
The best part of Straight Talk is their monthly service is only $45 bucks a month! That's for unlimited service for calls, text, picture messaging and web. There is also an "All You Need Plan" that offers 1,000 minutes, 1,000 texts and 30 MB of web data. Impressed? Yeah, me too!
Straight Talk also offers International Long Distance on a pre-paid basis (call a friend), so if you have family out of the country, this really helps you keep in touch.
The phone selection from Straight Talk is not so shabby either. They have smart phones, touch screens, and app capable phones. Or, you can get a reconditioned phone starting at $10 that have Bluetooth capabilities, cameras, music players, etc. Straight Talk has everything you need!
So, I have two questions for you. First, what would you do with all the extra money you would save every month by using Straight Talk? Second, what are you waiting for?
So, anyway, we're back from our 2 week vacation to AZ for my baby sister's wedding. It was magical, of course, as all weddings should be. Here's the bride and groom:
My nephew and my sister's new brother in law (10 and 8, respectively) channeled Michael Jackson and brought the house down. You've never seen such great moves! It was completely awesome :)
We also got to reconnect with really good friends over the course of 2 weeks. It really reinforced the idea to move back home. Realistically it still can't be for another 3 years. We just need to keep that goal at the fore front of our minds and make it a reality.
These are a few of the things we are missing:
Only 3 years and counting!